Training Specialist
Location of Job: San Jose, CA
Monitor, evaluate, or record training activities or program effectiveness for dental technicians
making crowns, implants and dentures, through the use of a scanner, milling machine, ceramics, porcelain, and metals. Offer specific training programs to help dental technicians maintain or improve job skills. Assess training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, focus groups, or consultation with managers, instructors, or customer representatives. Develop alternative training methods if expected improvements are not seen. Organize and develop, or obtain, training procedure manuals and guides and course materials for dental technicians such as handouts and visual materials. Present information using a variety of instructional techniques. Evaluate dental technician training materials. Design, plan, organize and direct training for dental technicians in the crown, implant and denture departments. Monitor training costs to ensure budget is not exceeded, and prepare budget reports to justify expenditures.
Doctor of Dental Surgery or closely related degree.
To Apply
Please send resume and cover letter to:
Hoon Woo Nam
2272 Trade Zone Blvd
San Jose, CA 95131